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We are proud to be the only company where customers determine the COLLECTION PIECES AND THEIR PRICES!
Does "guessing prices and winning prizes" remind you of something?

a survey and a contest

  • The products that the participants vote for the most are added to the collection.
  • The prices are also determined by the average of the votes.
  • If your preferences are close to the final collection and prices, you will win prizes!


  • $1000 gift card
  • Free items
  • Extra discounts
  • Start affiliate process if you participate regularly*

*With 30% + 5% commission rate

Thıs weeks surveys

  • Survey #1
  • Survey #2
  • Survey #3
  • Survey #4
  • Survey #5

The Surveys on this page are only published on Saturdays between 9:00 AM and 11:59 PM ET. And the items with the most votes go on sale the following Monday.

If it's not Saturday today, you can visit our homepage to see what else we offer!